Monday, 4 February 2013

                  Rajeev. k making puppet in the oraganization
Krishnankutty Pulavar Memorial Tolpavakoothu& Puppet Centre
Centre for Performances & Research in Traditional Shadow Puppet Theatre
Director: K.K.Ramachandra Pulavar

P.O.Koonathara, Shoranur,-679523, Kerala, India|+91 466 222 7226, +91 984 653 4998, +91 953 963 6134 | | |

Kerala has made a notable contribution towards maintaining and enriching the cultural heritage of India. It has evolved through the centuries a rich and diversified culture which has nourished and become an integral part of culture of India as a whole.

            Most of the Indian art forms their birth and growth to religion. They are therefore intimately connected with modes of worship. In ancient Kerala the religious practices of the people and their moral mode code were based upon derived from Dravidian culture. But gradually new religious practices and ideals entered Kerala from the North. The result was a blending of the Dravidian culture of the south and the Aryan culture of the north which, it is believed, took place about three or four centuries before Christ as a result of this impact of Aryan religion and culture on the indigenous Dravidian culture of Kerala, Hinduism assumed a new form in Kerala. The influence of this blending of the two cultures, Aryan and Dravidian can be seeing in religious life of people but also in the arts.

Krishnan kutty pulavar memorial Tholpavakoothu & puppet centre is formed after the death of great guru shri: K.L.Krishnan kutty pulavar before its death it is known has Tholpavakoothu & puppet centre. During the period of guru Krishna kutty pulavar troupe is well known in the field of puppetry in kerala, now also keeping the traditional style of narrations keeping in the field of puppetry, during the 1979 troupe is visited aboard India with this performance

Aims & Objectives

Promote puppetry in the tradional style
To encourage the new generations to puppetry
Keep the Tholpavakoothu in the traditional style in the temple premises
Help & support to the artist
Conduct puppetry festivals, workshop, and seminars in kerala
 Conducting camps Exhibitions on puppetry
Creating new stories through puppetry

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