Monday, 28 January 2013




Tholpava koothu is believed to have originated the 9thor 10th century A.D. this traditional puppet play of Kerala state is still being conducted annually in so many considered as a temple festival and it will last from 7days to 14,21,41,71 days .without any break according to the temple customs prevailing in each temple for 6 to 8 hours .the show start 10pm every night and will be continued till 5.30am. All theatres are being constructed adjacent to the temple of the goddess Bhadra kali. It is believed that the goddess will be pleased to watch the show and bless the devotes. This Tolpavakoothu is completely based on “Kamba Ramayana “and the language used in its performance is also Tamil. The fight between Sree Rama and Ravana and the fight between Bhadra kali and Darikasura (demon king) took place at the same time. And hence the goddess Bhadra kali could not see the war between Sree Rama and Ravana this was brought to the notice of lord Shiva in turn told her to go the earth and remain in temples. Being in the puppet show in which the fight between Sree Rama and Ravana will be shown.

Stage:  These are permanent high stages for the conduct of the show in all the Bhagvati temples. It is known as “Koothu Madam” meaning shadow play theatre. usually the length of “Koothu Madam” will be 42 feet and 8 feet in there will be curtain through out in front of the madam and the puppet show behind will conduct the shadow play with the help of burning oil wick lamps . Usually the curtain should face the deity of the temples. The upper portion of the curtain will be white in color and the lower part will be black. Puppets are held or mobilized between the lamps and the curtain so as to develop the sharp shadows on the curtain. The puppets are fixed on the screen. It is done using thorns of a native plant, The stage Kerala had over 200 puppet theatres in the past days. We still pre serve about 90 theatres for one to come out as an expert puppeteer. One has to go through a rigorous training of nearly 15 years. A puppeteer should be well educated in Ramayana, Vedanta, Astrology, Auyur Veda, and Temple architecture, Puranas, Agamas and Sasthras. He must have a good working knowledge of the languages like Malayalam, Tamil, and sanskirt, puppeteer is known as “Pulavar “. The name Pulavar it self is a title best owed on such a person who has gone through an intensive in puppetry  that includes an in-depth  knowledge of Tamil literature and especially Sanskrit .The name is thus used as a prefix  like sir, lord ,shree,like pandit in Sanskrit and Hindi. In ancient days the verses were written on palm leaves and their interpretations were orally transmitted from generations to generations. The Gurukula systems thus still preserved and the palm leaf Manu scripts are still prescribed in many puppeteers house.

Puppet making: Deer skin is used to make the puppets as it is considered as sacred and divine while making the puppets the hair of the skin is removed and the outline of the puppets is drawn over it. Then it will be cut carefully to size for setting proper facial expression with decorations to the puppets the different types of chisels are used this being dedicate job. It should be done with utmost care. Then flexible hands made of deer skins are attached to the puppet. A bamboo stick is fixed vertically along the puppet and lay holding this stick, movement of the play will be controlled according to the circumstances. There must be above 150 puppets made in different posture standing, fighting, sitting and lying etc to conduct this play based on “Kamba Ramayana”. 
To become a puppet show man one has to study for 15 years under a scholar. Natural colours are using for colouring the puppets.

The instruments used:
      Chenda, madahalam, kuzhal, elathalam, conch, chilanka, and ezhupara are used ………….

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